#1: Off to the races

The moment I set foot in Buenos Aires 17 years ago, there was instant chemistry. I hate sounding cliché, but I just knew it was mi lugar en el mundo

Ever since, it’s been my passion to help other people fall in love with this place just as wildly as I have.

It’s electric, eclectic, and chaotic. The people, the culture, the vignettes — absolutely everything draws me in and keeps me coming back. 

(I go into loads more detail about the “why Argentina?” question in this episode of my podcast.)

Los Simuladores: IYKYK

This newsletter is the result of endless hours of eating, drinking, and simply living my way across the absolutely bonkers city that I’m proud to call home.

In a few days, you’ll receive the first of a bi-monthly virtual care package from me with a roundup of current favorites, happenings, random musings, and other observations that are on my mind of late.

Whatever has me falling in love with Argentina, you’ll come along for the ride. A highly-curated, deeply personal mix of the places, people, and perspectives that I hope will inspire you to see Argentina through a different lens. 

Also, it’s going to be fun! Life is honestly too short for anything else, and the last thing we need is another person taking themselves too seriously. 

In the meantime, if there's someone you think could use a little Tutti Frutti in their life, why not share the love?

See you soon,